About Us

Dr. Pavlina Psychouli

Dr. Pavlina Psychouli is the Coordinator of the BSc Occupational Therapy Programme of the European University Cyprus (EUC) and Assistant Professorof Occupational Therapy and Neurorehabilitation. She completed her bachelor’s degree in the School of Occupational Therapy at the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens in 2001. She was later awarded a Master’s Degree in “Neurological Rehabilitation” from Brunel University in London and completed her PhD at the University of Southampton in UK on “Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) in children with congenital cerebral palsy”.

She has been clinically trained on the application of CIMT by the founder of the treatment, Prof. E. Taub and his team at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the United States.
Dr. P. Psychouli has served as an External Scientific Collaborator of the School of Occupational Therapy at TEI of Athens, between 2008-2015. In 2015, she was employed by EUC in order to design, manage and coordinate the first BSc Programme of Occupational Therapy for Cyprus.

Her clinical experience, since 2001, includes a variety of neurological cases and many valuable collaborations with clinics and institutions like ELEPAP of Athens, the Pediatric Department of “Mitera” Private Hospital in Athens etc. Her main research interest focuses on the development and effectiveness of rehabilitation methods that are based in evidence-based motor learning principles. More specifically, upper limb rehabilitation and intensive therapeutic protocols are within her main research scope.

Ms. Nefeli Papasalourou

Ms. Nefeli Papasalourou is employed as Special Teaching Personnel for the Occupational Therapy Program of the European University of Cyprus (EUC).

She completed her basic degree in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the TEI of Athens in 2014.

Then, she received her master’s degree in “Cognitive Neurorehabilitation” at the Cyprus University of Technology.

She has been working as a Clinical Instructor for the EUC since 2019, leading both face-to-face and tele-health sessions at Plasticity Occupational Therapy Laboratory.

Mr. Charalambos Anastasiou

Mr. Charalambos Anastasiou is employed as a Clinical Trainer for the Occupational Therapy Program at the European University of Cyprus (EUC).

He completed his basic degree in the Department of Occupational Therapy at EUC in 2020. Following that, continued his training in Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy under Dr. Pavlina Psychouli and the Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance approach under Mrs. Jolien van den Houten.

Since 2020, he has collaborated as a Research Project Assistant with EUC, and from 2023, he has been working as Clinical Trainer at the Plasticity Occupational Therapy Laboratory.